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The Inheritance Playbook
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The Introduction Chapter:
Let’s Get It Started
Learn more about your specific state’s probate laws.
Chapter 2
Inventory: SH!T My Parents Have
Create your own inventory list by downloading this spreadsheet as a guide.
Chapter 5
Taxable Accounts: Step Back or Step Up (In Basis)
To illustrate the beauty of diversification, take a look at the market’s performance with this seemingly randomized quilted pattern of performance.
Future updates of this illustration can be found here.
Chapter 6
Taking Advantage of Tax-Advantaged Accounts
For my fellow nerds, the engineers and tax professionals that like to get into the weeds of the calculations, here is the spreadsheet that gets into the weeds of the example detailed in the book.
Chapter 7
Clarity Around Charity
If you’re in the mood to see my attempt at comedy, check out some videos I made on these charity ideas. I created a character named Sassy St. Peter, the tax-savvy gatekeeper in heaven that mocks the charitable gifting strategies of new arrivals with better gifting ideas.
Check out the videos below:
Sassy St. Peter and Donating Appreciated Stock
Sassy St. Peter and Charitable Distributions from the IRA
“Don’t let your parents get burned at the gates.”
Sassy St. Peter and Gifting to Charity in Your Will

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About the Author
Chad runs a boutique financial planning firm serving multigenerational families from all over the country that seek to minimize taxes and maximize legacies. As an expert in his field, his advice has been published in various outlets, including The Wall Street Journal. At Formula Wealth, Chad offers flat fee engagements as a fiduciary advisor—no products to sell or commissions to earn. Outside of work, Chad enjoys cooking, traveling, and spending time with his wife and daughters.